Thursday, March 5, 2009

Toxic Waste

This article was published in 1987. Old? Yes, but this also proves that little to no improvements have been made since the first the first study was released in 1987. A study conducted by the United Church of Christ’s Commission on Racial Justice revealed that in areas where there are a greater population of blacks and Hispanics are the ones with the most waste facilities. Most of the people in these two groups have a low education level and have a low income; this making them very vulnerable for bigger waste sites to be built. They become vulnerable when contractors offered jobs and other incentives. People of the area worry more about how they going to survive each day instead of the environment they live in. The value of the community a whole goes down as well. Properties are devalued and income is much lower compared to do other areas.
It is interesting to see that this article was published 22 years ago when probably the concern of toxic waste sites in communities first came up. Its 2009 and we still see articles making reference to this toxic sites as not only being a factor that makes property value go down but also families health are in danger with gases that are released by the garbage.

Williams, Lena. Race Bias Found in Location of Toxic Dumps. The New York Times. 16 April 1987

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